Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anyone know how to read an MRI?

So I finally got in to get an MRI on my knee this morning. So I immediately called my surgeon (the same surgeon who operated on my knee last June and who told me just last Thursday that he thought I had re-torn it) to schedule a follow-up appointment for him to tell me what the pictures show. Did or didn't I completely tear my ACL? Cause gotta say, I am still not convinced.

They tell me "As of today, Dr. E no longer works at this facility". Huh...what? "Do you know where he went or how I can get a hold of him?", I ask. Friendly receptionist says, "Well, all we have is his personal email. We don't know why or where he went."

What the hell...

So now, I have my MRI and x-ray photos, but no surgeon to look at them. It's like my surgeon is one of those fake non profit companies that disappears overnight. So now I have to look for another surgeon. Which sucks because the best ones take over a month to get into for new patients. So in the meantime, I am going to try to self diagnose my MRI, however they are way more complicated than an x-ray, let me tell you.

After riding my bike pain free for 1.5 hours last night, I am considering pretending I never heard the words ACL tear and playing dumb. Also, I learned today from an x-ray that I have a screw in my knee that I didn't know about. Yay.

This photo was taken last summer when my awesome friends took me wheel chairing in the desert right after my surgery. I was going crazy being cooped up (couldn't walk for 5 weeks) and needed to get out.

1 comment:

Jill Homer said...

I am so sorry to hear about your knee woes. And just after you healed ... I can understand the devestation.

I still put my knee in the not-quite-100 percent range. I don't know that it will ever be. But the thought of working as hard as I have to get to where I am and then suddenly be pushed back to square one ... ouch.

Keep positive thoughts, and heal well. Wishing you the best.