Did I mention I love techno? Dance music to be more precise. Love it.
Beep beep. Synthesized twang. Beep beep. Deet deet deet. Other random fast drum sounds. Thatsa whata ima listenen 2. Gets me pumped up to work overtime. Yessirree.
Lucas Prata Radio on Pandora. Mmmm bop. It always makes me want to work out. and not do my TPS reports. I did not get the memo.
Okay enough bad pronunciations and cool misspellings. That is all.
Duuuuuude! Down with the machine!!! Please say that you aren't going to have to be attached to that thing again...that's so, like, 1995! I was off my crutches within a week (or maybe 9 days, I have successfully supressed that part of my life) and my allograft ACL, Louie, is holding up great (although I haven't tested him by playing rugby, though, either)
Thanks for letting me know what I'm in for - my special lady just tore her acl, too - surgery next friday...
Best to you through your surgery/recovery
I don't think my new Doc does the CPM actually so maybe I won't be strapped to that contraption again. But I am sure my crack-like dependence on ice will once again occur.
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