Friday, January 11, 2008

Reasons for a new job.

There is some shit going down at work today.

Basically the story is this. Over Christmas, they took some working vending machines on my floor and made them free. Where before it cost an astounding $1.25 for some damn Diet Coke, it is now free. Sweet right? Then they circulated rumors around about how the free drinks and snacks were only for a particular group that comprises of about 1/3 of the floor who recently had their cubes super compressed (waaa), and how everyone else was now supposed to walk down a flight of stairs to reach the pay vending area on that floor. I am not part of the special 1/3, so of course I would never take drinks from the free machine right around the corner from my office...right...

So everyone and their brother has been using the free vending machines for their afternoon sugar fix and so naturally, they are getting emptied quite frequently. Then the intelligent beings that thought they could provide unrestricted access to free drinks and snacks only for certain people based purely on word that they were group X's got angry that other people were consuming their product. They also got angry because someone has had to the nerve to empty the machine at night into their bag for home. Haha. This is comical but not unexpected since some jerk will also consume my half eaten pizza if I leave it over night in the fridge. I figure if they need it that bad, they are welcome to it. So angry management team of group X puts up a sign on the bulletin board stating that they tried to give us a chance to be honest by keeping the snack room's door open for all but since we (non group X) were obviously thieves and criminals, they would now be card key locking the room for only group X's badges. Whaaa? It is the only break room on the floor with coffee and snacks and a fridge.

Now there is an angry mutiny going on, and people are ripping down the signs and stealing all the food and drinks before they lock the door. I think I work in kindergarten. We haven't gotten to the chapter on sharing yet.

Gotta run, the diet is almost out.


M said...

this is hilarious! where's shirley going to store her dumplings now?! down with the man!

The Chaser said...

see what you are missing mike? don't u just want to come back now?

megan said...

are you kidding me? i love people. hannah you need to work at google- i hear they get to play volleyball on their breaks and take naps.

how does free cokes equal an apology for smaller cages?

Anonymous said...
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Frederick Ingram said...

Maybe you could send a pic of the note to

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! Laughing. What kind of idiots do you have running around at there. Seriously, as if group X is not going to ""steal"" Group Y's free food! Hasn't anyone in management ever read 'Freakomics'? Gimme a Break...Gimme a break...Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat - Bar me from the free vending machines - I don't think so.