Sorry my blogging has been kinda weak lately. I have been uber busy with work, school, life, etc. I gave up running which has been real hard [sarcasm]. Kind of like when a Catholic gives up vegetables for Lent which we all know is cheating. Focusing on the biking right now. Like last week, I rode my bike to the gym, then I rode on the stationary bike for awhile, then rode back home. Bike bike bike, thats all I can do without knee pain, waaaahhh. Although I am in a state of perpetual swellage right now, it doesn't actually hurt to bike, so that is what I do. Which is fine because I need to get to a place where I will be able to ride ~65 miles in 24 hours by February 16th without crying for my momma.
What have I been up to? Well, Friday I dissected a rat. Really very cool. I really like dissection. I know most people are grossed out (like the other three people in my lab group who wouldn't even touch the damn thing), but I find it fascinating because it brings to life the abstract of mammal physiology. They have all the same organs as humans except for the appendix and the gall bladder. Anyway, I had no problems cutting up that animal, and I attribute this to my slum landlord in college. Someday I will tell the story of the great hunters of 15th street (me and my roommates) and the wild and unattainable beast (a mammoth rat) we hunted for 6 months before we claimed victory. Let's just say, I hate me some rats.
On Saturday, I attended the first MBAA mt biking race of the year at McDowell mountains. I didn't race in it due to not wanting to get laughed off the course because of my bike and my speed and my gimp knee, but I wanted to watch and then go for a ride at a nearby trail. My best bud and I did what we always do: break rules and then get stuck because of it. We jumped onto the course right before the race to find a place to watch some crashes and ended up getting stuck out there because we didn't want to ride back through the start/finish where everyone
was cheering for actual riders. So we hike/biked for a couple of miles over to where we found a road and climbed over the fence to get out of the course. We did find a killer hill where less than half of the riders would make it up and those that didn't found out what it was like to be "Jack and Jill climbed up a hill" while attached to a bike. Afterward we went for a quick 20 mile ride at the nearby Pemberton Trail and I found it much much easier than the first time I did it when I was a total newbie wimp. We followed that up with some brews with our new mountain biking team that we recently joined. That's right, we are now members of the local Missing Link Racing team, who seem like some cool guys and are sponsored by Four Peaks Brewery. We will be the token females I believe, but that is what mountain biking is all about. We got sweet new jerseys and get a 20% discount to the Brewery so I feel that we won on that deal.
Sunday, I went to South Mountain to test ride some Cannondales that a dealer brought out. The Cannondale Carbon Rush and I are in love. Seriously. It was a blind date, but immediately we felt the connection. We share similar interests, like going fast and jumping rocks, and we just fit together very nicely. I may have to reconsider my current relationship. I have never ever ridden so fast on that trail and derived as much enjoyment as I did Sunday morning after a late night at the bar wearing jeans and a hoodie with no water or sports bra or breakfast in sight. I want this bike as my partner. I realize that I will never be able to afford it as it has a $6500 price tag, but a girl can dream, no? Later that day I attended the Gay Rodeo which was entertaining, but I am not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed. The quality of eye candy was way below par with my expectations.
Now I am back at the grind, trying to get tons of work done with a little biking thrown in. Ahh the life of a mover and a shaker.
What have I been up to? Well, Friday I dissected a rat. Really very cool. I really like dissection. I know most people are grossed out (like the other three people in my lab group who wouldn't even touch the damn thing), but I find it fascinating because it brings to life the abstract of mammal physiology. They have all the same organs as humans except for the appendix and the gall bladder. Anyway, I had no problems cutting up that animal, and I attribute this to my slum landlord in college. Someday I will tell the story of the great hunters of 15th street (me and my roommates) and the wild and unattainable beast (a mammoth rat) we hunted for 6 months before we claimed victory. Let's just say, I hate me some rats.
On Saturday, I attended the first MBAA mt biking race of the year at McDowell mountains. I didn't race in it due to not wanting to get laughed off the course because of my bike and my speed and my gimp knee, but I wanted to watch and then go for a ride at a nearby trail. My best bud and I did what we always do: break rules and then get stuck because of it. We jumped onto the course right before the race to find a place to watch some crashes and ended up getting stuck out there because we didn't want to ride back through the start/finish where everyone
Sunday, I went to South Mountain to test ride some Cannondales that a dealer brought out. The Cannondale Carbon Rush and I are in love. Seriously. It was a blind date, but immediately we felt the connection. We share similar interests, like going fast and jumping rocks, and we just fit together very nicely. I may have to reconsider my current relationship. I have never ever ridden so fast on that trail and derived as much enjoyment as I did Sunday morning after a late night at the bar wearing jeans and a hoodie with no water or sports bra or breakfast in sight. I want this bike as my partner. I realize that I will never be able to afford it as it has a $6500 price tag, but a girl can dream, no? Later that day I attended the Gay Rodeo which was entertaining, but I am not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed. The quality of eye candy was way below par with my expectations.
Now I am back at the grind, trying to get tons of work done with a little biking thrown in. Ahh the life of a mover and a shaker.
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