Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This and that.

I am busy. Really really busy. Sigh.

Big test this week that I must study for. Tons to do at work since I was sick last week and will be out part of next week due to knee cutting. Big race this weekend to get ready for. Is my bike ready? Not really, I don't even have slime in my new tires for the cacti wars that I will be participating in. Must prepare the mind, body, soul, house and work & homework queue for the big upcoming surgery next week. It's hard to think "Okay, what requires two working legs to do that I should get done this week?" Um, everything? Cleaning the ceiling fan for sure and hair cuts. Plus my birthday is on Monday, so must be prepared to have fun this weekend and get outside for one last day of sunshine on our vacayday. I am not getting any younger and I have to be prepared for the day in which I officially turn from mid 20s to upper 20s. Sigh.

Oh yeah and there is that Hallmark holiday which I have to make time for. I am suggesting we go to fast food Chinese-Mexican for dinner. Seriously, Chino Bandinos is fast, cheap and delicious. Perfect for a romantic night, I'll bring the candles. Boo on expensive trendy VDay restaurants. But I do need to get a little gift so that the man feels appreciated. Probably in edible form because I am smart and know these things. Maybe I can buy it at the bike shop when I go to buy my extra tubes so I can kill two birds with one stone. But honey, goo is tasty! See, it's chocolate! I don't think he will buy it.

Also, I am pretty sure If I had two working legs, I could kick ass as a contender on American Gladiator. Just saying.

I leave you with a photo of "Watkins Rd In Sun", Gomer, Ohio.

*Photo taken by my mama.

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