Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We need change.


Our election system is completely broken. I am disgusted and pissed off right now. I am a dedicated voter and believe that you suck if you are too lazy or apathetic to vote. I have been registered to vote in the state of Arizona for awhile now, but due to recent name and address change, I re-registered to vote a couple of months ago. I also converted from an independent ticket to Democratic so that I could vote in the big important primary on Super Tuesday. I then sent an email out to most of my entire contact list as a friendly reminder, urging them to register for a specific party if they wanted to vote in the primary. I am sure most of them hit delete, but hopefully it reminded some people that they needed to register to vote and gave them the links to where they could do it at. I got my official voter card as well as my polling location in the mail awhile ago and therefore I felt confident that all was in place.

So I get all excited to go vote today. I woke up feeling sick (thanks Tom) but still dragged myself to the polling place. Ancient woman #1 takes my id and voter card and starts looking through some printed list for my name. Can't find it. I check myself because her glaucoma might be acting up. I then tell her that I changed my name a couple of months ago and maybe it is under the old name. Nope not there either. She sends me over to ancient man #1 and he starts mumbling about how the polling precincts all changed and how I might be at the wrong one. But he can't find my precinct number that is printed clearly on my official card anywhere on his list. He also tells me that any changes made online in the past three months may not be ready for this election. So he tells me just to fill out a provisional ballet with ancient woman #2 and it might be counted.

Excuse me, might? I ask him why it wouldn't be, and he says there is a 50% chance it will be counted. Did you pull that number out of the sky old man? So I voted for my choice and dropped my useless ballot in their useless box and tried not to punch any senior citizens in the face. What a retarded system. Seriously, get out of the 1920s and someone please put into place an election system that is not fraught with serious issues/corruption. This is why I am voting for change people. Because I am tired of living in a joke.

Change. Yes We Can.


Anonymous said...

Amen sister! Be heard!!!

Really though... i hope i don't have these issues when i go this evening.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Preach it! I put in my blue vote in this red state of Georgia... it better count. I wonder how many of the gang at work got themselves to the polls...

Anonymous said...

Remember...once you go black you never go back. However, I will be voting for change also when the IN primary takes place in May. Yes Indiana is offically irrelavent with a May primary and 80% Elephant vote...bastards

PS - It has "word verification" below but "ldmfhwnw" is not a word. Stupid blogger.com

Anonymous said...

Hannah you married into bad voter mojo. your husband cancelled out a democratic voter twice, so you may have one more in store. It's a primary anyway. once you realize you're voting between a giant dueche and a turd sandwich, it's not nearly as stressfull.

Anonymous said...

Yes we can! And people - McCain cannot use a computer. This isn't just me being mean and trying to rag on Republicans. He actually said, live, in front of a camera " I am completely computer illiterate."

Now I know plently of people over 70 who know how to use a computer. So why can't he? He wants to be a President of the country the started and is leading the technological revolution. So how can he bring American into the 21st century. He might just actually be worse than Bush. I don't know.

With regard to Hannah's problem, the voting really does need to be more technologically up to date. It is rediculous that these things are not computerised. I am not even expecting online voting, although I'll come on to that in a moment. However, the updates and registrations should be online and digitalised. Why are they now. Well, friends. Things are changing. The Democratic party opened up some amazing new technology last night and I will tell you about my voting experience in London - in direct contast to Hannah's experience in Phoenix. Coming later today.....Ribby

The Chaser said...

So FYI, the same thing happened to Angel later last night. Is this some sort of weird conspiracy? AZ went handily to McCain & Clinton so looks like we are in for a dog fight. Just say NO on computer illiteracy!

Susana said...

I´m jealous. At least you got to vote in the primary. I still haven´t got my absentee ballot. For last November´s election of mostly local judges we got our ballots about 3 days before they were due back in C-bus. Given how great Ecuador´s postal system is, they MIGHT receive it in time for the Ohio primary.

Unknown said...

I had problems too. I thought I was registered Democrat, but it turns out I never declared a party. So my vote didn't count. Boy was i kicking myself for that one :(